The Seals Clubhouse team has been working hard to bring you some kewl stuff, and we want to do even more! But we are just a few dedicated mos doing it for the love of SwC Poker, our fellow past, present and future Seals pups, all things poker and bitcoin and —yes and we do hope that we might be partially compensated for our time.
We love MOnations! Send chip to the seals screen name CLUBHOUSE (not case sensitive). If you prefer to send bitcoin you’ve come to the right page!
There are a lot of other great ways to support us and we appreciate them all, because if you are a Seals Clubhouse member you are one of us! Throw down a limerick; Nominate Hall of Famer; find a bug; write a comment; Make a suggestion; Link to your blog; Submit an article; etc., etc.
Our favorite form of support, other than large mountains of coin, is for you to join SwC Poker, or turn someone else on to SwC Poker by clicking through our links, found in the lower right-hand corner of every page (and, shamelessly twice in this sentence).